
Monday 28 July 2008

Moor fun with the family

We got back very early this morning from a fun weekend in Devon with my family. On Saturday, Mark, the Podlings and I went to Torquay to meet up with some old work colleagues. We had glorious weather and enjoyed a barbecue together on the green before heading down to the beach. The Podlings and I made sandcastles, dug holes and collected pretty pebbles while Mark played boules with our old colleagues.

On Sunday, we packed up a picnic and went up to Dartmoor with my parents, my sister, her fiance Gareth and the three dogs. We used to spend a lot of time on Dartmoor growing up and it is one of my favourite places to be. This weekend we went to Cadover Bridge, which is somewhere we used to go to a lot as children, but we've not been back together as a whole family for years. It was so lovely to take my children somewhere that I know so well from my own childhood and they had a fabulous time splashing in the river and playing on the bank.

Lily trying on my sunglasses.

The weather was fantastic and it was so nice to spend time with family. Elaine and Gareth have only just moved back to Devon from Aberdeen, so we haven't seen much of them in the last few years. They are getting married next month, so we had a fun time trying on wedding clothes (I will be matron of honour, Lily will be a bridesmaid and Tom will be the ring bearer) and looking at all Elaine's wedding paraphernalia. My mum is a very talented dressmaker and has made Lily's dress and Tom's waistcoat. The clothes are amazing and the Podlings look so adorable in them. I am really looking forward to the wedding, which is only a fortnight away. It will be such a special event.
My sister Elaine, her fiance Gareth and their dogs Willow and Glynn

As ever with any weekend away, I now have lots of unpacking and laundry to do, on top of my usual Monday cleaning, so I'd better get back to it. It's easy to get on with things when you've had such a nice weekend to relax you. I just wish we didn't live so far from my family, I always miss them dreadfully when we leave them behind.
Kisses from mummy

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