
Tuesday 27 January 2009

Sugar baby

We had to pick up some shopping late last Friday afternoon and the Podlings were tired, hungry and hyperactive. In short, they were behaving rather badly and running around in a rather unruly fashion. Rather than try and get the shopping and two naughty children through a busy car park, Mark left the Podlings and me in the store and dropped the shopping off in the car. Whilst he was doing that, I let the children play in those little trolley lockers you get outside the cafe to put your shopping in while you have a cup of tea. The Podlings love to close the doors and pretend that they are houses and since there was nobody around they could annoy, I let them play their game. As it turned out, this was not one of my brightest ideas. Unbeknownst to me, the previous occupant of the locker (a trolley full of shopping no doubt) had leaked a 2lb bag of sugar all over the floor. When Mark got back from the car, we pulled open the locker door to find Lily eating fistfuls of sugar off the floor. As if this wasn't bad enough, when she realised the jig was up she actually got down on her hands and knees, put her face in the pile of sugar and scooped up one last mouthful as she was bodily dragged from her hiding place.

Shortly after getting back to my mum's house, Lily went on a sugar-fuelled rampage, much to the dismay of the dogs who caught most it! She was, not to put too fine a point of it, as high as a kite! Of course, immediately following her sugar rush came the inevitable crash. She asked to go to bed, looking very much like she thought the fun had gone out of all this! I had to admit I was a bit worried that she'd had so much sugar, but as she was sleeping in our room at mum's I was able to keep an eye on her. Thankfully, she awoke none the worse for wear the following morning and I tried to keep her away from anything with sugar in it for a few days!
I can't help wondering how Lily will feel when she grows up and hears the story of the time she ate sugar from a supermarket floor!


Anonymous said...

I am silently laughing with tears rolling down my face (due to reading this in work), I have a picture of Lily doing this. Thank goodness she is none the worse for the sugar intake, guess she has inherited the sweet tooth!! tend to prefer the sugar in chocolate though.

Lainey said...

That is hilarious!

Fi said...

I am in work and laughing out loud at this. I think my colleague things I am mad! (Probably not too far out on that though!)

Catherine said...

This made me laugh out loud! Hannah would have done the exact same thing!