
Friday 6 March 2015

World Book Day 2015

Dr Frankenstein, Arrietty and Sam-I-Am (and a photo bomb by Alex!)

World Book Day is always much anticipated by the Podlings, so there was much excitement this morning as they got ready for school. Tom went as Dr Frankenstein, Lily was Arrietty from The Borrowers and Emma was Sam-I-Am from Green Eggs and Ham.

Emma's costume required the most effort this year, but I love doing these things so it certainly wasn't a chore. I found a yellow ladies vest top in a charity shop that I was able to adjust to fit Emma and then cut up the hem to look like Sam-I-Am's dress. The green eggs and ham I made from oasis and I had great fun carving it into shape. Emma was over the moon with her plate of green eggs and ham and went around asking everyone "Do you like green eggs and ham?".

Lily is really enjoying The Borrowers at the moment, so was very keen to be Arrietty. Her costume was simple to put together, but she looked so sweet in it. It really struck me quite how grown up Tom looked in his costume. It is quite shocking that with two PhD qualified scientists in the house we had to resort to using one of Mark's shirts to serve as a lab coat for Tom. It has been a few years since either Mark or I have done any lab work. I've been a housewife for ten years, so the closest I get to lab work these days is baking a cake! I'd still rather be doing this than anything else though. I love being home with my Podlings!

The Podlings had a great time at school and Emma won a class award for Best Dressed Reader for her costume. Unfortunately her joy at winning was offset when one of her classmates broke her green eggs and ham. Emma was in floods of tears coming out of school and her teacher said she had been inconsolable. My poor baby! My heart broke for her! I still have some oasis left, so I will be able to make her a new plate of green eggs and ham this weekend, so I hope that will make up for her disappointment. She is certainly very proud to have won a prize for her costume.

Do you like green eggs and ham?

Start 'em young! Alex loves books and squeals with excitement when we sit down to read. We usually pick more age-appropriate books though!


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