
Monday 27 April 2015

In which I have a birthday

I celebrated my birthday on Sunday. We had a rather quiet day as Mark had a flight to catch later in the day and needed to leave the house just after lunch. We had my little birthday party at lunchtime so Mark could join us, which necessitated some rapid cake baking and decorating. The girls were still decorating my cake whilst they were eating their party food, so they could sing happy birthday and make sure Daddy got a slice before he left!

I had some lovely cards and gifts, but Mark completely surprised me with his gift for me this year. He gave me my dream camera! I have been developing an interest in photography (pardon the pun!) for a few years now and I have been yearning for a DSLR camera to replace my little point and shoot. Having done some research, I was hoping that in a couple of years I might have been able to get the Nikon D3300. Imagine my surprise and delight when I opened my present containing that very camera on the morning of my birthday. I was completely blown away! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to be in possession of such a wonderful camera. I have a great deal to learn, but I am very keen to get started. I'm a very happy lady!

Image result for nikon d3300
My fifth baby!

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